- Sofia Psalter
The Sofia Psalter ( _bg. Софийски песнивец, "Sofiyski pesnivets"), also known as Ivan Alexander's Psalter or the
Kuklen Psalter, is a 14th-centuryBulgaria n illuminatedpsalter . It was produced in 1337 and belonged to the royal family of TsarIvan Alexander of Bulgaria .The psalter, which consists 318
parchment folios, is written in Middle BulgarianCyrillic and contains the text of thePsalms along with interpretation byEusebius of Caesarea , as well as theNicene Creed and an interpretation of theLord's Prayer . Of particular importance is the "Praise to Ivan Alexander", who ordered the manuscript, contained on folios 311a-312b.The manuscript is part of the collection of the Library of the
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences inSofia .ee also
Tomić Psalter , c. 1360
*Tetraevangelia of Ivan Alexander , 1355–1356References
External links
* [http://feb-web.ru/feb/izvest/1897/03/973-786.htm Partial text of the Sofia Psalter] (with notes in Russian)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.