Ituʻtiʻu — ist einer der sieben Distrikte der Dependency Rotuma des Staates Fidschi. Es handelt sich um den flächenmäßig größten Distrikt auf der Insel Rotuma Island, der auch die höchste Einwohnerzahl aufweist. Der Hauptort des im Westen gelegenen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of Fiji-related articles — NOTOC Articles (arranged alphabetically) about people, places, things, and concepts related to or originating from Fiji, include: 0 9 2007 Colonial Cup A Rodney ACRAMAN Adi Adi Da James AH KOY Air Fiji Air Pacific Air Pacific destinations Ahmed… … Wikipedia
Motusa — Mofmanu Beach, the popular main beach adjacent to the village of Motusa Motusa is a group of close villages in the district of Itu tiu, on the island of Rotuma, one of the islands of Fiji. Rotuma is made up of two volcanic landmasses connected by … Wikipedia
List of numbers in various languages — The following tables list the names and symbols for the numbers 0 through 10 in various languages and scripts of the world. Where possible, each language s native writing system is used, along with transliterations in Latin script and other… … Wikipedia
Garifuna (Sprache) — Garifuna Gesprochen in Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua u. USA Sprecher über 100.000 Linguistische Klassifikation Arawakische Sprachen Maipurisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wee Meng Chee — Chinese name 黄明志 Pinyin Huáng Míng Zhì (Mandarin) Ancestry … Wikipedia
Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… … Universalium
Liste de sigles de trois lettres — Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres Sigles de cinq lettres Sigles de six lettres Sigles de sept lettres Sigles de huit lettres Cette page liste des sigles de trois lettres. Vous pouvez … Wikipédia en Français