Vento Chiaro

Vento Chiaro

Vento Chiaro is a woodwind quintet founded in 1997 at the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore, Maryland.


Vento Chiaro held the position of Ensemble-In-Residence at The Longy School of Music in Cambridge, Massachusetts from 1999 to 2006, where they performed recitals and interacted with students, sharing their experience as well as offering advice to young people.

While in residence at the Longy School, Vento Chiaro developed a tradition of collaborating with composers in the Boston area. These collaborations allowed professional and up-and-coming composers the opportunity to broaden their understanding of wind instruments and experiment with the sound possibilities of the wind quintet.

As educators, Vento Chiaro presents children’s concerts across Massachusetts, and on tours in small towns with limited access to performing ensembles. Vento Chiaro also does mini-residencies across the country, and has been the Artist-in-Residence at the Orange County School for the Arts.Fact|date=November 2007 Vento Chiaro participates in the communities through outreach programs to expand the public's knowledge, enjoyment and appreciate of music as an art form. Vento Chiaro is in residence each summer at Boston University Tanglewood Institute.


The members of Vento Chiaro are:
*Joanna Goldstein (flute)
*Ana-Sofia Campesino (oboe)
*Michelle Doyle (clarinet)
*Ellen Barnum (bassoon)
*Jason White (horn)


*Saunderson Award at the Coleman Chamber Music Competition.
*Silver Medal at the Fischoff Chamber Music Competition in 2000.
*Semi-finalist at the Concert Artists Guild.


External links

* [ Vento Chiaro]

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