

Eurojargon is a colloquial term often found in recent British journalism. It refers to terminology relating to the European Union, and comes in several forms.

Terms Beginning with the Prefix "Euro-"

Often Eurojargon is created by combining the prefix "Euro-" with another word. For example:-

* Euroscepticism or Europhobia
* Euromyth
* Eurojust
* Europol
* Eurocrat
* Euroland

Necessary Terminology

There are many terms required to discuss the new political structure of the European Union. These terms are unusual but can be learned. For example:

* codecision
* convergence
* economic cohesion
* social cohesion
* subsidiarity
* "acquis communautaire" (or just "acquis")

Faux Amis

There are some words and phrases that occur in English-language versions of the documents of the European Union, which are "faux amis" from some other language, commonly French.

Such words are written in the form of ordinary English words, i.e., they lack accent marks and do not appear in italics. This can lead to some confusion. Examples include:-

* "actual" for "topical", or "current"
* "adequate" for "suitable"
* "competences" for "spheres in which power may be exterted"
* "complete" for "supplement"
* "eventual" for "any"
* "important" for "large"
* "opportunity" for "advisability"
* "stagiaire" for "trainee"
* "statute" for "staff regulations"
* "third countries" for "non-member countries"

pecialist Terminology

There are some terms which are used by specialists in the EU project which are not quite "faux amis", but which are nonetheless obscure. Examples include:

* comitology
* European construction
* habilitation

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