The SAPI-1 was a computer produced in the former Czechoslovakia by Tesla since 1980.

It was designed by Eduard Smutný (hardware) and his brother Tomas Smutný (software), and based on the Intel 8080/2 MHz clone (and later Z80). The SAPI-86 was also developed as a 8086 clone of the PC.

The SAPI-1 had a modular construction with modules:

*JPR-1 - processor board based on MHB8080 processor, 1 KB SRAM, 4 KB ROM modules and 6 IO ports
*ARB-1 - bus unit
*JZS-1 - power supply with rack
*ANK-1 - non smart, no ergonomic membrane keyboard (compatible with Sinclair ZX-80 and ZX-81)
*REM-1 - extension board with EPROM and SRAM modules
*AND-1 - alfanumeric video adapter, 40 columns x 24 rows, black and white with 2 KByteos of video buffer
*RAM-1 - board of 32 KB of dynamic RAM
*DSM-1 - modem and serial interface (based on MHB1012 UART) used to communication with tape recorder
*BDK-1 - universal developer board

3 versions of SAPI-1 were produced:

*SAPI-1 ZPS 1 (základní průmyslová sestava - basic industrial set):
OS (integer Micro-Basic) was stored in ROM, as well as simple machine code monitor, tape was used as main storage device.

*SAPI-1 ZPS 2:
OS (MIKOS - mikro kazetový operační systém, micro cassette operating system) with better machine code monitor was stored in ROM, any other programming language was loaded from tape.

*SAPI-1 ZPS 3:
ROM contains CP/M booting sequence, CP/M is booting from 8" Shugart floppy disk drives.The "Z" version of SAPI-1 ZPS 3 used Z-80 processor clone instead of 8080 clone.

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