- Tastebuddies
"Tastebuddies" was a late night show on
BBC Choice UK that had started life as a 'straight', 'daytime TV' style studio-based cookery show onBBC Choice Wales . It soon after became a 10 minute section of a magazine show presented byAmy Charles , called "In Full View " that was also shown onBBC Choice Wales . Following a change of director in 1999 (and dramatic reduction of budget) it became a series of low-budget, anarchic, "fly-on-the-wall" style comedy-cookery sketches in the 2nd and final series ofIn Full View , and the first 4 episodes of Sleeping Dogs. It was during the 2nd series ofIn Full View that these sketches were seen by the then new head ofBBC Choice ,Stuart Murphy .He commissionedTastebuddies for a 10 part series on BBC Choice UK in 2000.Trivia
BBC News broadcaster Huw Edwards made a cameo appearance in the final episode.Creative Cast & Crew
Some of the more technically able members of the cast role's crossed over with the crew's. Indeed when not in a scene, actor Stephen Bush also assisted sound, lighting, wardrobe, location-scouting AND direction. Many of the cast were also musicians. For example Simon, Colin, Alun and Janice sang and played in most of the episodes.
incomplete list
Simon Adams
*Colin Bowen
*Stephen Bush
*Sean Carlsen
*Boyd Clack
*Sally Collins
*Steve Floyd
*Tony Gabriel
*Jim Kitson
*Eleanor McRea
*Janice Pugsley
*Alun Roberts
*Kate Richardson /Darcy
*Jan Wierszylowski Crew
Jon Rees - Lighting Cameraman
*Adam Jones - SoundExternal links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.