Taira no Kanemori

Taira no Kanemori

Taira no Kanemori ( ? –991, 平兼盛) was a middle Heian period "waka poet" and Japanese nobleman. He is designated as a member of the Thirty-six Poetry Immortals and one of his poems is included in the famous anthology Hyakunin Isshu. He was a member of the Taira clan.

Kanemori's poems are included in several official poetry anthologies from the. A personal collection known as the "Kanemorishū" (兼盛集) also remains. His daughter Akazome Emon was also a distinguished waka poet, though she is usually reckoned as the daughter of her adoptive father, Akazome Tokimochi.

External links

* [http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~sg2h-ymst/yamatouta/sennin/kanemori.html E-text of his poems] ja icon

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