Ralph Eichler

Ralph Eichler

Ralph Eichler (born March 23, 1950) is a politician in Manitoba, Canada. He is currently a member of Manitoba legislature for the riding of Lakeside.

Before entering politics, Eichler served for eight years as the administrator of the "Interlake School Division". He also owned and operated "Prairie Farm Ranch Supply", an exporter of livestock handling equipment. In the latter capacity, he oversaw the invention of a device known as "The Stockdoctor", now used internationally. Eichler has also served as a director on the "Prairie Implements Manufacturers Association" and the "Teulon Golf and Country Club", as well as serving as President of the "Interlake Riding Club".

In the Manitoba election of 2003, Eichler was elected to the Manitoba legislature as a Progressive Conservative, defeating New Democrat Robert Marshall by 4110 votes to 3015. The seat had previously been held by Harry Enns for 34 years, and before that by Douglas Campbell for 47.

The 2003 election was won by the New Democrats, and Eichler currently sits in opposition. He has called for lower taxes, and greater economic opportunities for the province's rural west.

He was re-elected in the 2007 provincial election.

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