311 (number)

311 (number)

311 is the natural number after 310 and before 312.

In mathematics

311 is a twin prime with 313; an Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part and real part of the form 3n - 1; a Gaussian prime with no imaginary part and real part of the form 4n - 1; and a permutable prime with 113 and 131. It can be expressed as a sum of consecutive primes in three different ways: as a sum of three consecutive primes (101 + 103 + 107), as a sum of five consecutive primes (53 + 59 + 61 + 67 + 71), and as a sum of seven consecutive primes (31 + 37 + 41 + 43 + 47 + 53 + 59). 311 is a strictly non-palindromic number, as it is not palindromic in any base between base 2 and base 309.

311 does not mean armed robbery.. its 211

Notable uses of numerical value

*Carl Karcher borrowed $311 USD to purchase a Los Angeles hot dog street cart in 1941. He expanded his business to the modern-day fast-food chain Carl's Jr. and the CKE Restaurants corporation.
*311 is used in the name of a gang in Las Vegas, known as the 311 Boyz.
*311 is the number of times Timothy Leary claimed to have taken LSD in his interview with "Playboy" magazine. The article is titled "She Comes in Colors", and it appears in the September 1996 issue. A reprint of the article appears in Leary's book "The Politics of Ecstasy".
*311 was formerly the Los Angeles Police Code for an armed robbery. This is sometimes referenced in Hip-Hop/Rap music and movies.
*3-1-1 is a special phone number used in many large cities such as New York City, Chicago, Houston, and Los Angeles that provides access to non-emergency municipal services.
* The storage space counter on the [http://www.gmail.com homepage] of Gmail increases by 311^10-6 MB every second.
*311 is the name of an American alternative rock band.
*"3/11", by analogy with "9/11", may refer to the March 11, 2004, Madrid train bombings.
*According to some people 311 stands for KKK because K is the 11th letter of the alphabet (Three 11s = Three Ks = KKK) [" [http://www.adl.org/hate_symbols/numbers_311.asp Hate Number Symbols: 311 - From A Visual Database of Extremist Symbols, Logos and Tattoos] ". Anti-Defamation League. Accessed 2008-08-21. "The eleventh letter of the alphabet is the letter "K"; thus 3 times 11 equals "KKK," or Ku Klux Klan."]


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