Sira` Fi al-Mina

Sira` Fi al-Mina

Infobox Film
name = Sira` Fi al-Mina
صراع في الميناء

image_size = 200px
caption = "Sira` Fi al-Mina" poster
director = Youssef Chahine
producer = Gabriel Telhamy
writer = Youssef Chahine
El Sayed Bedeir
starring = Faten Hamama
Omar Sharif
Ahmed Ramzy
distributor =
released = 1956
runtime =
country = flagicon|Egypt Egypt
language = Arabic
budget =
imdb_id = 0049761

"Sira` Fi al-Mina" IPAudio|s_iraa3_fi_lmiinaa2.ogg|listen ( _ar. صراع في الميناء, _en. Struggle in the Pier) is a 1956 Egyptian romance/crime/drama film directed by the acclaimed Egyptian film director Youssef Chahine. It starred Omar Sharif, Ahmed Ramzy, and Faten Hamama.


The film takes place in a port in Alexandria and focuses on the lives of some sailors. Hamidah (Faten Hamama) works in a ship and plans to marry her cousin, Ragab (Omar Sharif), but Ragab is forced to leave for a long period. While he was away, Hamidah falls in love with Mamdouh, a wealthy man. Ragab returns three years later to find her in a relationship with someone else. He fights for her and wins her back again and marries her.

Main cast

*Faten Hamama as Hamidah
*Omar Sharif as Ragab
*Ferdoos Mohammed as Ragab's mother
*Ahmed Ramzy as Mamdouh
*Hussein Riad as Mamdouh's father


*cite web | url = | title =Film summary | accessdate =2007-01-31 | publisher =Faten Hamama's official site | language =Arabic

External links

*imdb title|id=0049761

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