BBCH-scale (solaneous fruit)

BBCH-scale (solaneous fruit)

The BBCH-scale (solaneous fruit) identifies the phenological development stages of solaneous fruit (tomato = "Lycopersicon esculentum", aubergine = "Solanum melongena",
paprika = "Capsicum annuum"). It is a plant species specific version of the BBCH-scale.

1 For tomatoes with determinate stem growth, paprika and aubergines. In tomatoes with indeterminate stem growth and only one sympodial branch at the corresponding axis, the apical side shoot formation occurs concurrently with the emergence of the inflorescence (Principal growth stage 5), so that the coding within principal growth stage 2 is not necessary
2 For tomato
3 For paprika and aubergine


cite journal
last = Feller
first = C.
coauthors = H. Bleiholder, L. Buhr, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Klose, U. Meier, R. Stauss, T. van den Boom, E. Weber
title = Phänologische Entwicklungsstadien von Gemüsepflanzen: II. Fruchtgemüse und Hülsenfrüchte. Nachrichtenbl. Deut.
journal = Pflanzenschutzd.
volume = 47
pages = 217–232
date =

External links

* [ A downloadable version of the BBCH Scales]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • BBCH-scale — The BBCH scale is a scale used to identify the phenological development stages of a plant. A series of BBCH scales have been developed for a range of crop species. Phenological development stages of plants are used in a number of scientific… …   Wikipedia

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