- BBCH-scale (Musaceae)
In biology, the BBCH-scale for musaceae describes the phenological development of
musaceae using theBBCH-scale .The phenological growth stages and BBCH-identification keys of musaceae are:
* Harvested product
* post-harvest or storage treatments take place at stage 99, 909 or 9090References
cite journal
last = Gonzales
first = R.
coauthors = C. Ruiz-Silvera, L. Buhr, H. Bleiholder, H. Hack, U. Meier, H. Wicke
title = Proposal for codification of the phenological cycle of edible Musaceae.
journal = Ann. appl. Biol.
volume = In preparation
pages =
date =External links
[http://www.bba.de/veroeff/bbch/bbcheng.pdf A downloadable version of the BBCH Scales]
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