Sektor Gaza

Sektor Gaza

Infobox musical artist
Name = Sektor Gaza

Img_capt =
Background = group_or_band
Origin = Voronezh, Russia
Genre = Punk rock
Years_active = 1987 - 2000
Label = Gala Records
URL = [ Official website]
Current_members = Yuri Nikolaevich Klinskikh
Past_members =

Sektor Gaza ( _ru. Сектор Газа, "Gaza Strip"; also sounds like "gas sector" in Russian) was the name of a well-known pseudo-punk rock band from Voronezh, Russia, founded in 1987. Apart from the band leader, Yuri Nikolaevich Klinskikh (nicknamed Hoy) all other band members were replaced over time. The band's style of music can be described as primitive two-accords music with rude and unculture lyrics; the content varied from political songs to mystical songs about zombies and vampires, as well as interpretations of Russian folk songs and rock ballads and rap.

The band's name is apparently an homage to Levoberezhny ("Left bank"), the ghetto-like district of their home town, Voronezh, which was also ironically referred to as Gaza Strip by its residents. Phrase " _ru. Сектор Газа" also means "gas sector" in Russian, so the name puns on both pollutedness and high level of common crime and domestic violence in the district. In one of their earliest songs, the band claims that the town is so polluted that nobody ever reaches the age of 40. Indeed, in 2000, the band leader Yuri Hoy died at the young age of 36 from a heart failure (which in fact might be caused by extensive drug use).

Band members

* Yuri "Hoy" Klinskih - vocal, texts, music
* Igor "Egor" Zhirnov (Chernyi obelisk, Rondo) - guitar (on albums) 1992-2000
* Vadim Gluhov - guitar (on concerts only) - 1993-2000
* Igor Anikeev - pads (on concerts only) - 1995-2000
* Vasily Chernykh - guitar (on concerts only) - 1995-1997
* Alexandr Yakushev - drums - 1989-1998
* Vladimir Lobanov - guitar (on concerts only) - 1991-1992
* Valery Podzorov - bass - 1997
* Igor Kushev - guitar - 1989-1991
* Semen Titevsky - bass - 1988-1991
* Sergei Tupikin - guitar, bass - 1989-1992
* Tatiana Fateeva - vocal - 1990 - 1993


* 1989 – 1st album – Сектор Газа (Gas Sector or Gaza Strip) rerecorded in 1993 and again in 1997
* 1989 – 2nd album – Колхозный панк (Kolhoz Punk) rerecorded in 1991
* 1990 – 3rd album – Ядрена Вошь (Fleshy Louse)
* 1990 – 4th album – Зловещие мертвецы (Evil Dead)
* 1991 – 5th album – Ночь перед рождеством (The Night before Christmas)
* 1992 – 6th album – Гуляй мужик (Party on, Man)
* 1993 – 7th album – Нажми на газ (Hit the Gas)
* 1994 – 8th album – Танцы после порева (Dancing After Porn)
* 1994 – 9th album – Кащей бессмертный (Koschei the Immortal) – punk-opera, consisting mainly of cover versions from other bands
* 1996 – 10th album – Газовая атака (Gas Attack) – the only album without curse words
* 1997 – 11th album – Наркологический университет миллионов (Narcological University for Millions)
* 2000 – 12th album – Восставший из ада (Hellraiser) – this album was released several weeks after Yuri Hoj's death

"Other recordings:"
* 1996 – Избранное I (Best of I)
* 1997 – Избранное II (Best of II)
* 1998 – Баллады – contains calm rock ballads, most of them from album #10
* 1999 – Extasy – Techno-style remixes by DJ Krot

External links

* [ Sektor Gaza Fan Club International]
* [ Sektor Gaza on the InterneT!]
* [ Russian Sektor Gaza portal]

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