François-Joseph Bressani

François-Joseph Bressani

François-Joseph Bressani, (Francesco-Giuseppe), (6 May 1612 – 9 September 1672), was an Italian born Jesuit priest who asked to be sent as a missionary to New France.

Francesco-Giuseppe arrived in 1642 and spent some time in Quebec City then was assigned to Trois-Rivières. From there, he received permission to penetrate the interior to Huron country. On route, he and his companions were captured by the Iroquois near Fort Richelieu. Bressani was tortured and mutilated but through a set of circumstances made a return to Quebec and was sent to France.

Bressani quickly returned to Trois-Rivières and again became involved with the Huron missions.

External links

* [ Biography at the "Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online"]
* [ the "Catholic Encyclopedia"]

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