Thomas Veres

Thomas Veres

Thomas Veres (born circa 1926 in Budapest) was the photographer for Raoul Wallenberg who documented the Holocaust in Budapest during World War II.

He met Wallenberg on October 17, 1944. At first he took the photos for embassy issued Schutzpass. Eventually he often became Raoul's companion and they visited soup kitchens, hospitals and safe houses and documented Wallenberg's actions. Initially he went to his parents' home at the Gerbeaud Palace to develop the films at night. But he was detained by the Arrow Cross, and after that Wallenberg insisted the undeveloped film be sent to Stockholm in the Swedish diplomatic pouch. Tom kept a running darkroom in the Section C offices on Ulloi Street throughout the German occupation of Budapest.

He took the portrait of Wallenberg that was used on the U.S. postage stamp. His photographs were used in the film The Last Days (1998), directed by James Moll.

External links

* [ Personal memoir]
* [ Raoul Wallenberg Award biography]

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