OLYMPIODORUS — I. OLYMPIODORUS Alexandrinus, Peripateticus; Praeceptor Procli, commentatus est in quaedam Aristotelis, et Platonis scripta, A. C. 480. Fuit et Olympiodorus Alexidis apud eundem Laert. in Platone. Item Olympiodorus tibicen, magister Epaminondae… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Olympiodorus the Younger — (Greek: Ὀλύμπιόδωρος ὁ Νεώτερος)(c. 495 570) was a Neoplatonist philosopher, astrologer and teacher who lived in the early years of the Byzantine Empire, after Justinian s Decree of 529 A.D. which closed Plato s Academy in Athens and other pagan… … Wikipedia
Olympiodorus of Thebes — Olympiodorus (born ca. 380, active ca. 412 425) was an historical writer of classical education, a poet by profession as he says of himself, who was born at Thebes in Egypt, and was sent on a mission to the Huns on the Black Sea by Emperor… … Wikipedia
Olympiodorus the Elder — For other people named Olympiodorus, see Olympiodorus (disambiguation). Olympiodorus (Greek: Ὀλυμπιόδωρος) the Elder was a 5th century peripatetic philosopher who taught in Alexandria, in the late years of the Western Roman Empire. He is most… … Wikipedia
Olympiodorus historicus — Olympiodore de Thèbes Pour les articles homonymes, voir Olympiodore. Olympiodore de Thèbes ou Olympiodorus historicus est un historien grec du Ve siècle, né vers 380 à Thèbes en Égypte, qui, selon Photius (v. 810 v. 893) dans sa Bibliothèque … Wikipédia en Français
Olympiodorus The Younger — ▪ Greek philosopher flourished 6th century AD a Neoplatonist philosopher who is famous for having maintained the Platonic tradition in Alexandria after the Byzantine emperor Justinian had suppressed the Greek Academy at Athens and other… … Universalium
Olympiodorus — Olympiodoros war der Name mehrerer antiker Persönlichkeiten: Olympiodoros von Theben, ein Geschichtsschreiber des 5. Jhs. n. Chr. Olympiodoros der Jüngere, ein neuplatonischer Philosoph (ca. 495 570) Olympiodoros von Athen, ein athenischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Олимпиодор — (Olympiodorus) имя нескольких греческих писателей: 1) историк, родом из египетских Фив, приближенный императора Гонория, в 412 г. посылавшийся к гуннскому королю; он написал Ίστορικοί Λόγοι , заключавшие материалы по истории западной империи с… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
ОЛИМПИОДОР — • Olympiodōrus, Όλυμπιόδωρος, 1. сын Лампона, афинский предводитель во время Персидских войн. Hdt. 9, 21; 2. учитель Эпаминонда, обучавший его играть на флейте. Nep. Epam. 2; 3. афинский полководец в войне против… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Olympiodoros der Jüngere — (griechisch Ὀλυμπιόδωρος Olympiódōros, auch Olympiodoros von Alexandria; * im späten 5. Jahrhundert oder zu Beginn des 6. Jahrhunderts; † nach 565) war ein spätantiker Philosoph (Neuplatoniker). Er lebte in seiner Heimatstadt Alexandria und… … Deutsch Wikipedia