Castor of Apt

Castor of Apt

Infobox Saint
name=Castor of Apt
birth_date=4th century
death_date=ca. 420
feast_day=2 September

birth_place=Nîmes, France
patronage=Apt, France

Saint Castor of Apt (died ca. 420) was a bishop of Apt, in Gaul.

He was born in Nîmes and may have been the brother of Saint Leontius of Fréjus. Castor was a lawyer and married to a wealthy widow. He lived in Marseilles. His wife, however, allowed him to enter the religious life; she herself entered a nunnery. Castor founded the monastery of Manauque (Monanque) in Provence. He was subsequently made bishop of Apt. He died of natural causes.

Saint John Cassian wrote the "De institutis coenobiorum" at the request of Castor.

His feast day is September 2. His relics are still preserved in the cathedral of Apt, of which he is one of the patrons.

External links

* [ Catholic Online: Castor of Apt]
* [ Saints of September 2: Castor of Apt]
*fr icon [ Saint Castor]

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