- Chern-Weil homomorphism
mathematics , the Chern-Weil homomorphism is a basic construction in theChern-Weil theory , relating for asmooth manifold "M" thecurvature of "M" to thede Rham cohomology groups of "M", i.e., geometry to topology. This theory ofShiing-Shen Chern andAndré Weil from the 1940s was an important step in the theory ofcharacteristic class es. It is a generalization of theChern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem .Denote by mathbb K either the
real field orcomplex field . Let G be a real or complexLie group withLie algebra mathfrak g; and let:mathbb K(mathfrak g^*)
denote the algebra of mathbb K-valued
polynomial s on mathfrak g. Let mathbb K(mathfrak g^*)^{Ad(G)} be the subalgebra of fixed points in mathbb K(mathfrak g^*) under the adjoint action of G, so that for instance:f(t_1,dots,t_k)=f(Ad_g t_1,dots, Ad_g t_k)for all finmathbb K(mathfrak g^*)^{Ad(G)}.The Chern-Weil homomorphism is a homomorphism of mathbb K-algebras from mathbb K(mathfrak g^*)^{Ad(G)} to the cohomology algebra H^*(M,mathbb K). Such a homomorphism exists and is uniquely defined for every principal G-bundle P on M. One can usually think of the bundle P as living inside the
K-theory of M, P] in K_G(M), so that the class of Chern-Weil homomorphisms is parametrized by K_G(M).Definition of the homomorphism
Choose any
connection form w in P, and let Omega be the associatedcurvature 2-form. If finmathbb K(mathfrak g^*)^{Ad(G)} is a homogeneous polynomial of degree k, let f(Omega) be the 2k-form on P given by:f(Omega)(X_1,dots,X_{2k})=frac{1}{(2k)!}sum_{sigmainmathfrak S_{2kepsilon_sigma f(Omega(X_{sigma(1)},X_{sigma(2)}),dots,Omega(X_{sigma(2k-1),sigma(2k)}))where epsilon_sigma is the sign of the permutation sigma in the symmetric group on 2k numbers mathfrak S_{2k}.(see
Pfaffian ).One can then show that
is a
closed form , so that:df(Omega)=0,
and that the
de Rham cohomology class of:f(Omega)
is independent of the choice of connection on "P", so it depends only upon the principal bundle.
Thus letting
be the cohomology class obtained in this way from f, we obtain an algebra homomorphism
:phi:mathbb K(mathfrak g^*)^{Ad(G)} ightarrow H^*(M,mathbb K).
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