Vincenzo Campi

Vincenzo Campi

Vicenzo Campi (c. 1536 - 1591) was an Italian painter of the Renaissance from Cremona.

His style merges Lombard with Mannerist styles, however, unlike his siblings, he is known for a series of canvases, mostly painted after 1570s [Well-represented in the Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan.] , displaying genre scenes and local produce. At the time, this type of paintings were uncommon in Italy, and more common in Netherlands, as exemplified by the canvases of Joachim Beuckelaer.

In Cremona, his extended family was the main artistic studio of his time. Giulio Campi and Antonio Campi were reportedly half-brothers, while Bernardino Campi was a distant relative. All were active and prominent local painters. In 1586-1589, he and his brother Antonio completed paintings for the church of San Paolo Converso in Milan.


*cite book | first= Sydney J.| last= Freedberg| year=1993| title= Painting in Italy, 1500-1600| chapter= | editor= Pelican History of Art| others= | pages=586-588 |publisher=Penguin Books
* [| Web Gallery of Art Biography]


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