Sudhakar Krishnamurti

Sudhakar Krishnamurti

[ Sudhakar Krishnamurti] (born July 22, 1957: Tamil Nadu, South India), is a medical doctor: a clinical andrologist, microsurgeon, and sexual medicine expert. He is presently the director of Andromeda Andrology Center, Hyderabad, India. Dr. Sudhakar krishnamurti is the first Indian doctor to practice exclusive clinical [ andrology] , the branch of medicine that deals exclusively with disorders of the male reproductive system, much like gynaecology deals with the female reproductive system. He is presently the Director of [ Andromeda Andrology Center] , Hyderabad, India.

He obtained his early medical education from the [ T.N. Medical College and B.Y.L. Nair Hospital] , Bombay. During his academic career, he was awarded many gold medals, scholarships and prizes. After completing his M.S. in general surgery and serving as lecturer at the University of Bombay, Dr. Krishnamurti obtained his andrological knowledge abroad - in the United States of America, Belgium, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands.

Dr. Krishnamurti is credited with many pioneering endeavors in the areas of investigative and operative andrology - penile duplex doppler evaluation, Rigiscan monitoring, phalloarteriography, [ microsurgical varicocelectomy] , and microsurgical revascularization (bypass) operation for impotence (erectile dysfunction). In recognition of these, the [ Urological Society of India] has conferred on him the 'Innovations in Urology' and 'State-of-the-Art Lecture' awards.

He is an active member of several academic associations and has presented and published several papers at national and international fora. He has been invited to lecture and / or operate in Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Turkey, Nepal, Muscat, China, France, Egypt, Taiwan, the Philippines, the Czech Republic, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Argentina, Australia, and Korea.

Dr. Krishnamurti is the only Asian to have ever received the prestigious [ Herbert Newman award] for original clinical research in the field of impotence. He was awarded this at the [ 6th World Impotence Meeting on Impotence, Singapore] , 1994, for having described a new [ penile dermal flap operation] for [ Peyronie's disease] - a disease which can cause impotence.

He is also the only Indian twice appointed to international sexual medicine consultations committees. He was a committee member at both the [ 1st] ( [ W.H.O] . supported) and [ 2nd] International Consultation(s) on Erectile Dysfunction, which were held in Paris in 1999 and 2003 respectively. He has co-authored, in two consecutive editions, the committees' handbooks' chapters on 'Surgical Treatment and Mechanical Devices'.

His other appointments include:
* Editorial board member: Journal of Sexual Medicine ( [ JSM] )
* Editorial board member (former): International Journal of Impotence Research ( [ IJIR] )
* Editorial board member (former): Asian Journal of Andrology ( [ AJA] )
* Editorial board member: World Journal of Urology ( [ WJU] )
* Editorial board member: [ Fertility Today]
* Invited reviewer: Indian Journal of Urology ( [ IJU] )
* Executive committee member: Asia Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine ( [ APSSM] )
* Chairman (former): Audits Committee, APSSM
* Visiting fellow: University of Nanjing, China
* Honorary fellow: Council of Sex Education and Parenthood International ( [ CSEPI] )
* Advisory committee member: International Society for the Study of the Aging Male ( [ ISSAM] )
* Advisory committee member: Asia Pacific Society for the Study of the Aging Male ( [ APSSAM] )
* Board member: Asian Erectile Dysfunction Advice, Counselling and Therapy Group ( [ Asian EDACT] )
* Convener (former): Andrology section of the Urological Society of India (USI)
* Founder: Andrology, Gender, Aging & Sexual sciences Society of India ( [ AGASSI] )
* Member: Awards and Prizes Committee - International Society for Sexual Medicine ( [ ISSM] )
* Member: Research & Scientific Committee, APSSM
* Member: Standards Committee, [ ISSM]
* Member (former): Publications Committee, ISSM
* Member: Advisory Committee, [ 10th Biennial Meeting of the Asia Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine] (APSSM); Cairns, Australia: October 2005
* Organizing Chairman: [ APSSM-AGASSI Conference]
* Member: Development committee, APSSM
* Member: World's first batch of doctors enrolled for the [ EASM's] fellowship program in sexual medicine
* Member: National Advsiory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) of the [ ICMR] (Indian Council of Medical Research)

Dr. Krishnamurti is also a writer, columnist and men's health advisor and contributes regularly to medical textbooks, journals, newspapers, magazines and health portals, including his own award-winning website, (nine awards since its creation). His contributions to andrology have also been recognised by many lay fora and he has been featured in the [ Limca Book of Records] , Biography International, and many other newspapers, magazines, radio and television shows. His first book, ' [ Sex Is Not A Four Letter Word] ', an edutainment book written essentially for the lay reader and published by [ Rupa & Co.] 2007: ISBN 8129110741,was released in January, 2007.

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