

Informology is the study of information. The term "informology" was first coined by Professor Abbas Horri at University of Tehran in Iran in 1993 (Horri, 1993) and a year later in 1994 it was also applied by a Russian scientist (Mokiy, 1994). Presumably the two scientists in Iran and Russia were not aware of each other’s works and they used the term independently with two different approaches and in two different contexts.

Informology as Horri defined it is a fundamental domain that tries to understand information and its framework, dimensions and aspects. Study of information is not a new area and information has been studied since 1940s. Informology in this sense can be considered as a sub-domain of information science.

The theory of informology as it has been developed by the Russian scholars deals with information regarding information systems and information environment. It deals with space, with spatial organization of information, and also with the regularities of spatial construction of information systems.


* Horri, Abbas (1993), Informology, "Faslname-ye Ketab" (Ketab Quarterly, the official journal of National Library of Iran), Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 393-395.
* Horri, Abbas (2003), Informology: A Review of concepts and theories, "Informology", Vol.1, No. 1, pp. 9-34.
* Mokiy, V. S. (1994), Problems of economic informology, "International Scientific, Practical Conference", Moscow , 16-18 Dec.

ee also

* Informatics
* Information Science

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