Bernardino Gatti

Bernardino Gatti

Bernardino Gatti was an Italian painter of the Renaissance, active mainly in Parma and Cremona.

Born in or near Pavia or Cremona. He is also commonly called il Sojaro. His early apprenticeship is unclear, though he is influenced by the pre-eminent local painters: Pordenone, alongside whose works are many of Gatti’s frescoes, as well as Correggio. Gatti worked for 12 years, 1560-72, in the fresco decoration of the cupola of the duomo of Parma, where he was assisted by Bartholomaeus Spranger. His major works are the large fresco in the refectory of San Pietro in Cremona from 1552, frescoes in the dome of the Santa Maria della Steccata 1560-66) in Parma, and his "Assunta" in the Duomo of Cremona. He also worked in Pavia (1531) and Piacenza (1543). Among his most famous pupils is Sofonisba Anguissola and his nephew, Gervasio Gatti.

Partial Anthology of Works

*"Last Supper" and "Resurrection", (1529, Cathedral of Cremona)
*"Madonna of the Rosary", (1531) (Cathedral of Pavia)
*"Life of the Virgin", (1543, S.M. di Campagna, 1543, Piacenza)
*"Crucifixion with Mary Magdalen, Sant'Agata, San Bernardo degli Uberti, and angel", (1566-1574, chapel of Sant'Agata in the Duomo of Parma).
*"Assumption of Virgin", 1560-1572 (Santuario di Santa Maria della Steccata, Parma).
*"Pietà", (Louvre)
*"Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes",( Refectory in San Pietro al Po, Cremona)
*"Coronation Virgin with Saints Benedetto and Bernardo", (1572, Abbey of Chiaravalle, Milan).
*"Assunta", (1572; Duomo of Cremona)


* [| Getty Museum biography on Gatti]
*cite book | first= Sydney J.| last= Freedberg| year=1993| title= Painting in Italy, 1500-1600| chapter= | editor= Pelican History of Art| others= | pages= pp380-1 |Penguin Books Ltd| publisher= | id= | url= | authorlink= ISBN 0-14-056035-1

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