gpSP (game play SP) is a Game Boy Advance emulator made by coder Exophase, for use with the Sony PlayStation Portable and GP2X video game systems. There have been ports to iPod [ [ IgpSP v0.9-2Xb-K3 - GBA Emulator for iPod - DCEmu Forums:: The Homebrew & Gaming Network :: PSP Dreamcast Nintendo DS Wii GP2X Xbox 360 GBA Gamecube PS2 Apple iPhone Forums ] ] and the Iphone [ [ gpSPhone v1.5.0 Released - GBA Emulator for Iphone - DCEmu Forums:: The Homebrew & Gaming Network :: PSP Dreamcast Nintendo DS Wii GP2X Xbox 360 GBA Gamecube PS2 Apple iPhone ... ] ]

The PSP version runs most commercial games at full speed, however some still suffer from minor or severe glitches, and others are very slow. The GP2X version is similar to the PSP one, but typically slower. gpSP requires a GBA BIOS file in order to operate. Due to copyright reasons this BIOS cannot be included with the emulator by Exophase, and users must find it on their own.

To date, gpSP has proven to be the most efficient, compatible, and widely used of all GBA emulators for the PSP and GP2X.

Exophase also has stop working on the psp verson of gpSP and is only now working on the gp2x and pandora (console) versions of gpSP]

and any future versions of gpSP will be close source

and the reason for Exophase to close the source is Takka []


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