- Therese Steinhardt Rosenblatt
Therese Steinhardt Rosenblatt was a well known artist who worked in pencil and oil and exhibited widely in
Madison Avenue , New York galleries and had works that hung at theMetropolitan Museum of Art in New York.The
Edward Milch Gallery in New York City exhibited her paintings from3 January to13 January 1945 .ummary
Therese Amalia Steinhardt,
October 2 1896 , third child of Adolph Stinhardt and Addie Untermyer (Sister ofSamuel Untermyer ). Therese was the younger sister ofLaurence Steinhardt .Married:
William Rosenblatt,
October 6 ,1920 . 3 sons.Died:
April 2 1948 Access to her works
Some of her works can be seen at [http://www.rosenblattstudios.com/therese.htm Therese Steinhart]
* [http://www.artnet.com/artist/620352/therese-steinhardt.html Artnet entry] ;
* [http://www.askart.com/askart/s/therese_steinhardt/therese_steinhardt.aspx Ask Art entry] ;
* [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0026-1521(194922)2%3A8%3A1%3C15%3AROTD%3E2.0.CO%3B2-C Documentation of purchase of painting by Metropolitan Museum of Art]
* [http://www.aaa.si.edu/collections/findingaids/milcgall.htm Smithsonian Archive of American Art]
* [http://www.rosenblattstudios.com/therese.htm Therese Steinhart]
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