African Rifles

African Rifles

There were two organizations called the African Rifles:
* The King's African Rifles (KAR) was a multi-battalion British colonial regiment raised from the various British possessions in East Africa
* The Rhodesian African Rifles or (RAR), was the oldest regiment in the Rhodesian Army

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  • King's African Rifles — The King s African Rifles (KAR) was a multi battalion British colonial regiment raised from the various British possessions in East Africa from 1902 until independence in the 1960s. It performed both military and internal security functions… …   Wikipedia

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  • Rhodesian African Rifles — Le Rhodesian African Rifles – RAR fut un régiment de la Rhodesian Army, créé en 1916, dissout en 1980, qui fut engagé dans plusieurs conflits, en Afrique et en Extrême Orient. Sommaire 1 Origines 2 Seconde Guerre Mondiale 3 1949 1973 …   Wikipédia en Français

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