Vyron Polydoras

Vyron Polydoras

Vyron Polydoras ( _el. Βύρων Πολύδωρας; born January 27, 1947 in Perivolia, Greece) is a Greek politician who was the Minister for Public Order from 2006 to 2007. He is a member of the New Democracy party and belongs to the far-right group of this party.

Polydoras was not included in the government sworn in on September 19 2007, [http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_politics_100008_19/09/2007_87968 "New faces and trusted aides are unveiled in Karamanlis’s Cabinet"] , ANA (ekathimerini.com), September 19, 2007.] [ [http://www.hri.org/news/greek/apeen/2007/07-09-18_1.apeen.html "New Greek government announced"] , ANA (hri.org), September 18, 2007.] while the Ministry of Public of Order was merged with the Ministry of the Interior.


External links

* [http://www.parliament.gr/english/synthesh/mp.asp?MPID=475 Hellenic Parliament Website]
* [http://www.polydoras.gr/ Personal website] (In Greek)

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