Andrew Jackson Grayson

Andrew Jackson Grayson

name = Andrew Jackson Grayson

image_width =
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birth_date = 1819
birth_place = Grayson, Louisiana
death_date = 1869
death_place = Isabel Islands, Mexico
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field = Ornithology
work_institution =
alma_mater =
doctoral_advisor =
doctoral_students =
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Andrew Jackson Grayson (1819 - 1869) was an American ornithologist and artist.

Grayson was the author of "Birds of the Pacific Slope" (1853-69), which he considered to be a completion of John James Audubon's "Birds of America". Grayson was born August 20, 1819, in the northwest corner of Louisiana, on theOuachita River, where his father had a cotton plantation.

Taxa named after Grayson

Two bird species and several other taxa have been named in honor of Grayson. They are mainly from the Revillagigedo Islands and other islands offshore Pacific Mexico. As with much island fauna, several are endangered or extinct:

* "Micrathene whitneyi graysoni" - Socorro Elf Owl (probably extinct since c.1970)
* "Mimus graysoni" - Socorro Mockingbird (Critically endangered)
* "Parula pitiayumi graysoni" - Socorro Tropical Parula
* "Zenaida graysoni" - Socorro Dove (Extinct in the wild)Other:
* "Cambarus graysoni" - a Cambaridae crayfish
* "Ochrotrichia graysoni" - a Hydroptilidae caddisfly
* "Sylvilagus graysoni" - Tres Marias Cottontail Rabbit (Endangered)

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