- Susan B. Millar
Susan B. Millar is the senior Scientist at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research,
University of Wisconsin-Madison .A cultural anthropologist by training, Susan Millar focuses on organizational change processes and student and faculty learning associated with efforts to improve education in the science and engineering disciplines. She evaluates two major NSF-funded projects at WCER: the Systemwide Change for All Learners and Educators (a $35M Math-Science Partnership project) and the Center for the Integration of Research on Teaching and Learning (a $10M Higher Education Center for Learning and Teaching project).
Millar is a lead evaluator for the Regional Workshop Program, a nationwide science faculty development project. She also is the external evaluator for the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education at the University of Washington (another NSF-funded $10M Higher Education Center for Learning and Teaching project).
She also participates on the national advisory boards of various organizations seeking to improve science learning in higher education. [http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/people/staff.php?sid=865]
Publications:Co-author, Research on Systemic Reform: What Have We Learned? What Do We Need to Know? Synthesis of the Second Annual NISE Forum. Volume 1: Analysis, Volume 2: Proceedings (1997)http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/archive/nise/Publications/Workshop_Reports_n_Proceedings/WR4-Research_on_SR.html
Co-author, Indicators of Success in Postsecondary SMET Education: Shapes of the Future. Synthesis and Proceedings of the Third Annual NISE Forum (1998)http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/archive/nise/Publications/Workshop_Reports_n_Proceedings/WR6-Indicators_of_Success.html
Co-author, Synthesis of the Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Graduate Education Forum (1999)http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/archive/nise/Publications/Workshop_Reports_n_Proceedings/WR7-Graduate_Ed_Forum.html
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