Z Sculpt

Z Sculpt

Infobox Company
company_name = Z Sculpt Entertainment
company_type =
foundation = 1996
location =
key_people = Zack Morris and Zackary Black
industry = Computer and video game industry
products = Mac games
revenue =
operating_income =
net_income =
num_employees =
parent =
subsid =
homepage = http://www.Zsculpt.com/
footnotes =

Z Sculpt Entertainment is a small two person software company, it was founded in 1996 by Zackary Black and Zack Morris. It develops Macintosh-only games and other software. Most of the company's activity happened in the 1990s. The company reappeared recently with the release of the online enabled demo of their game Khufu, and the announcement of Return To Dark Castle being completed [http://zsculpt.com/website/about/index.php] . It's currently unknown if they will implement the new online code into their other games.


* Meteor Storm - Top down arcade style shooter with split-screen multiplayer mode.
* Retro - Top down, unorthodox shooter, which can be played cooperatively.
* Khufu - a Tetris clone with added features.
* HID Wizard - InputSprocket compatibility for OS X Carbon applications.
* eDrop - Extracts e-mail addresses from text files into a single output file.
* htoc.php - command line utility to automatically create .c files from .h headers in c++.
* Z Sculpt Online Widget - Mac OS X v10.4 Dashboard widget that tracks the number of players connected to ZSculpt.net.
* Return To Dark Castle - Sequel in the Dark Castle series of games. It is produced by the Mac Software company [http://www.deltatao.com/ Delta Tao] .

In Development

* Untitled Platformer - Announced in an interview [http://insidemacgames.com/features/view.php?ID=20&Page=2] with IMG.

External links

* [http://www.Zsculpt.com/ Z Sculpt website]
* [http://www.zackmorris.com/ Zack Morris's Homepage]
* [http://insidemacgames.com/features/view.php?ID=20 Interview with Zackary Black]
* [http://insidemacgames.com/features/view.php?ID=156 Software suggestion list, including Khufu]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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