Aldranser Bach

Aldranser Bach

Geobox River
name = Aldranser Bach
native_name =
other_name =
other_name1 =
other_name2 =
other_name3 =
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other_name4 =

map_size =
map_caption =
country = Austria
country1 =
country2 =
country3 =
country4 =
country5 =
country6 =
country7 =
region = Tyrol
region1 =
city = Aldrans
city1 = Innsbruck
city2 =
city3 =
city4 =
city5 =
length = 7
length_imperial =
watershed_imperial =
discharge_location =
discharge_average =
discharge_average_imperial =
discharge_max_date =
discharge_max =
discharge_max_imperial =
discharge_min_date =
discharge_min =
discharge_min_imperial =
discharge1_location =
discharge1_average =
discharge1_average_imperial =
discharge2_location =
discharge2_average =
discharge2_average_imperial =
discharge3_location =
discharge3_average =
discharge3_average_imperial =
discharge4_location =
discharge4_average =
discharge4_average_imperial =
source_name =
source_location = Forest nearby Aldrans
source_region =
source_country =
source_country1 =
source_lat_d =
source_lat_m =
source_lat_s =
source_lat_NS =
source_long_d =
source_long_m =
source_long_s =
source_long_EW =
source_elevation =
source_elevation_imperial =
source_length =
source_length_imperial =
source1_name =
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source1_region =
source1_country =
source1_country1 =
source1_lat_d =
source1_lat_m =
source1_lat_s =
source1_lat_NS =
source1_long_d =
source1_long_m =
source1_long_s =
source1_long_EW =
source1_elevation =
source1_elevation_imperial =
source1_length =
source1_length_imperial =
source_meet =
mouth_name = Lanser Bach|
mouth_location = city area of Innsbruck
mouth_country =
mouth_region =
mouth_country1 =
mouth_elevation =
mouth_elevation_imperial =
mouth_lat_d =
mouth_lat_m =
mouth_lat_s =
mouth_lat_NS =
mouth_long_d =
mouth_long_m =
mouth_long_s =
mouth_long_EW =
tributary_left =
tributary_left1 =
tributary_right =
tributary_right1 =

image_size =
image_caption = Aldranser Bach

The Aldranser Bach is a small stream near Innsbruck, Austria. It has its source near Aldrans amidst the forest and flows in northern direction to Castle Ambras. Above the castle were a swimming pool for the public which was formerly fed by the Aldranserbach. In the big garden of the Castle the brook supplies the Great Pond with fresh water and then flows further through the Forest Park to Ambras, where it merges with the Lanser Bach and then further into the Inn River. The brook has a length of about 7 kilometres.

Water quality

Due to the circumstance that the brook flows through forest areas, it has Grade A quality. The self-purification of the water is still intact. In winter the Aldranser brook avoids total freezing of the Grand Pond, good for the many rare water birds and fishes. The Grand pond is a small lake where many seldom birds breed and live.

Fauna and Flora

Even if the brook is small, it provides rare birds such as peacocks, herons around the Castle Park a protected habitat. In the headwater the brook is too small for fishes. They can be found in the lower course as well as in the pond. The brook also flows through a narrow ravine with a small waterfall which can be reached by Streetcar Line 6 from Innsbruck at their stop called "Schönruh". That is also the name of the ravine.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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