

Turiec is a region in central Slovakia. Turiec is an informal designation of the territory (like Burgundy or French Basque Country), but it is also the name of one the 21 official tourism regions of Slovakia. The region is not an administrative division in its own right, but between the late 11th century and 1918 it was an administrative county of the Kingdom of Hungary, (see separate article Turóc).


Turiec county as a Hungarian comitatus arose before the 15th century. In 1918 (confirmed by the Treaty of Trianon 1920), Turiec county became part of newly formed Czechoslovakia. During World War II, when Czechoslovakia was split temporarily, Turiec was part of independent Slovakia. After World War II Turiec county was in Czechoslovakia again. In 1993, Czechoslovakia was split and Turiec became part of Slovakia.


The region is delimited by the area of the Turiec basin, i.e. by the mountain ranges of Veľká Fatra to the east, Malá Fatra to the west and north, as well as Žiar and Kremnica Mountains to the south. The Turiec river flows through the entire region and inflows into Váh near Vrútky.


In the early 20th century, the subdivisions of Turóc/Turiec county were:
*Lower Turiec - its center was Martin and the subregion corresponds to the present-day District of Martin
*Upper Turiec - its center was Turčianske Teplice and the subregion corresponds to the present-day District of Turčianske Teplice

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