

Rosenergoatom ( _ru. РосЭнергоАтом) is a Russian nuclear power stations operator under the Atomenergoprom. The company was established on 7 September 1992 by the Presidential decree № 1055 "On operating organization of nuclear power plants in Russian Federation". According to the russian government decree on 8 September 2001, all Russian civil nuclear power plants, as well as all supporting services providing companies were incorporated into Rosenergoatom. On 19 January 2007 Russian Parliament adopted the law "On the peculiarities of the management and disposition of the property and shares of organizations using nuclear energy and on relevant changes to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation", which created Atomenergoprom - a holding company for all Russian civil nuclear industry, including Rosenergoatom, the nuclear fuel producer and supplier TVEL, the uranium trader Tekhsnabexport (Tenex) and nuclear facilities constructor Atomstroyexport.

Rosenergoatom operates currently 10 nuclear power plants (NPP) consisting 31 reactors. There is a plan to increase the number of reactors in operation to 59 by 2030.

Rosenergoatom is planning the production of floating mobile nuclear power plants to power towns near the north coast of Russia.

In August 2008, was reorganized into open joint stock company and was renamed Energoatom. All shares of the company to be transferred to Atomenergoprom by the end of 2008.cite news
publisher= World Nuclear News
url =
title = Russian civil nuclear reorganisation proceeds
date = 2008-08-12

ee also

* Energy policy of Russia
* Nuclear power in Russia
* Rosatom


External links

* [ Corporate website of Rosenergoatom]

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