Igarape Omere

Igarape Omere

Terra Indigena Igarape Omere is one of the Indian reservations in Brazil which is meant for uncontacted people. It is located in Southeastern Rondônia. The area was reduced from 510 km² to 250 km² in 2005. A total of 9 people live there: 6 belonging to Akuntsu tribe and 3 belonging to Kanoe do Omere tribe. It is not clearly known whether there are any more tribes inhabiting the area. The TI is under constant threat from ranchers and loggers.

Kanoe do Omere is an uncontacted tribe in Rondonia state, Brazil. When first contacted in 1995, the tribe numbered 5 people. But of that a women named Tutua and an infant boy named Opera later died of poisoning by ranchers (According to Survival). Now the tribe consists of a women named Txinamanty (~ 42 years old), her brother Purá (~ 37 years old) and a child who was born to Txinamanty and Baba (an Akuntsu tribesman).

The Akuntsu tribe is one of the isolated tribes of Rondônia. Last the six survivors of the Akuntsu live in two small malocas next one to the other, in the bushes of the Omerê , tributary of Rio Corumbiara, in the Southeast of Rondônia. They are one of the indigenous peoples of Brazil. They were first contacted in only 1995, when they numbered seven people. As of 2006 their population was down to six. They are located in the Igarape Omere region to the southwest of Rondônia. The tribe consists of chief Kunibu Baba (male, age: ~ 70), Pupak (male, age: ~ 40), Ururu (female, age:~80) and three women with ages from 23-35. The seventh member of the tribe died in 1995. The only child born after that died in 2000 in a storm. With his death the only hope of the tribe avoiding extinction faded. [ [http://www.socioambiental.org.br/pib/epi/akunsu/akunsu.shtm Akuntsu do Igarape Omere] ] [ [http://www.survival-international.org/tribes.php?tribe_id=206 Akuntsu and Kanoê] , Survival. Retrieved on 1st December 2006.]


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