

Euthymol is a brand of antiseptic, fluoride-free toothpaste distributed by Pfizer that is characterised by its bright pink colour and its quite potent and unusual taste. It is also notable for its packing, which is decidedly old fashioned, having merely a pattern and the product name rather than a shiny design and a proclamation of its intended effects.

Most toothpastes have mint-variant flavours. Drastically different, the taste of Euthymol has something of surgical spirits about it. Users unfamiliar with the brand, trying it for the first time are often overwhelmed by the power of the flavour and the sensations of the antiseptic ingredients on the mouth. It takes a few uses to adapt to the difference from regular toothpaste. (The antiseptic ingredient in "Euthymol" is of course thymol.)

Since it is antiseptic Euthymol can help with the prevention of mouth ulcers.

Also known as "A Scientific Dental Preparation", it is often used in the Army.

External links

* [ Pfizer Company Website] - UK corporate site
* [ Pfizer Company Website] - U.S. corporate site

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