Erno Lendvai

Erno Lendvai

name = Ernö Lendvai

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birth_date = 1925
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death_date = 1993
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citizenship = Hungarian
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Ernő Lendvai (1925 – 1993) was one of the first theorists to write on the appearance of the golden section and Fibonacci series and how these are implemented in Bartok's music. [See .] He also formulated the Axis system and Acoustic scale.

Lenvai was married to the pianist Erzsébet Tusa, and together they moved to Szombathely in 1949 to run a local music school. [ [ History of the Savaria Symphony Orchestra ] ]

Selected works

In Hungarian

* Szimmetria a zenében ( Kodály Intézet, 1994)
* Verdi and Wagner (Bartók and the 19th century) (Kahn & Averill, 1988)
* Verdi és a 20. század: A Falstaff hangzás-dramaturgiája (Zenemukiadó, 1984)
* Polimodális kromatika (Kodály Zoltán Zenepedagógiai Intézet, 1980)
* Bartok és Kodály harmóniavilága (Zenemukiadó, 1975)

In German

* Bartok's Dichterische Welt (Akkord Music Publishers, 2001)

In English

* Bartok's Style (Akkord Music Publishers, 1999)
* Verdi and Wagner (Bartók and the 19th century) (Kahn & Averill, 1988)
* The workshop of Bartók and Kodály (Editio Musica, 1983)
* Bartók and Kodály (Institute for Culture, 1980)

Notes and references

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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