

name = wija

caption = wija version 0.12 screenshots
developer = Media Art Online
latest_release_version = 0.13
latest_release_date = September 8, 2007
operating_system = Cross-platform
genre = Instant messaging client
license = GPL
website = [http://www.media-art-online.org/wija/ www.media-art-online.org/wija/]

wija is a free software for open and extensible instant messaging/presence-sharing based on XMPP.

Purpose of development

wija is a platform for experimenting with all possibilities of communication on the Internet.Its purpose is to assure freedom of experimentation for researchers, software developers and anyone in pursuit of problems.

Openness, autonomy and extensibility are the basic properties of the Internet, which the developer team would like to enhance with wija.Although IP (Internet Protocol) provides global reachability as a foundation for freely proposing, testing and deploying new services, it is not an easy tool for creation to be used by general public.The developer team is to provide an open platform on top of TCP/IP, or another Internet over IP, at a level closer to human beings and human relations, so that anyone can participate in creation of new communication on the Internet.

Mission statement

* Develop wija as a cross-platform, internationalized messaging software with means for extending its functionalities. It should conform to XMPP first, and then become more P2P-oriented for enhanced dependability and sustainability.
* Design wija to be end-to-end oriented, which means that problems in new applications are not to be solved by adding new features to servers, but by communication among clients. In the end, it should eliminate all dependencies on servers. This makes safe communication among clients particularly important.
* Design wija to provide a foundation for secure communication. It should conform to OpenPGP (using GnuPG as an implementation), and provide easy-to-use human interface for handling cryptography.
* Develop wija as a free software licensed under GNU GPL.


Features of wija in addition to the standard instant messaging functionality of an XMPP client include pluggable architecture, hypertext sharing (with built-in HTTP service), encrypted chat and multi-user chat, GnuPG key rings management and secure semi-automatic update of software.


The first version of wija was developed by Kenji Saito in 2003 to implement i-WAT barter currency system as its first plug-in. Today, wija comes with many plugins bundled with its distribution: i-WAT (which includes add-on currencies such as barter dollar), a music sharing system Tunes, a location sharing system Spot-lite, PaNIC storyboard sharing system, etc.

See also

*List of Jabber client software
*Comparison of instant messaging clients

External links

* [http://www.media-art-online.org/wija/ Official wija website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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