Astronomical Calculation Institute (University of Heidelberg)

Astronomical Calculation Institute (University of Heidelberg)

__NOTOC__The Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (Astronomical Calculation Institute) is currently part of the Center of Astronomy of the University of Heidelberg. Formerly, it was a research institute for astrometry and stellar dynamics belonging to the state of Baden-Württemberg.

It is the most important international institution for astronomical data calculations.Fact|date=May 2008 The Astronomisches Rechen-Institut is responsible among other things for the Gliese catalog of nearby stars, the fundamental catalog FK5 and FK6 and the annual published Apparent places, a high precision catalog with pre-calculated positions for over three thousand stars for each day.

The ARI [cite web | title = History of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (German) | publisher = ARI | date = 2005-02-01| url = | accessdate = 2007-01-21] was founded in the year 1700 in Berlin-Dahlem by Gottfried Kirch. It has its origin from the catalog patent application in this time by Frederick I of Prussia, who introduced a monopoly on publishing star catalogs in Prussia. In 1945 the Institute was moved by the occupying force (Americans) nearer to their headquarters in Heidelberg. Since January 1, 2005 it has been integrated into the Center of Astronomy and as of today is not limited to publishing star catalogs but has a wide research scope.

The current director of ARI is Prof. Dr. Joachim Wambsganss.

Research Interest

* Gravitational lensing, investigation of multiply-imaged quasars
* Gaia mission, astrometry data archieving and analysing
* [ MODEST] , dynamics of star clusters, galaxies and galactic nuclei
* [ GRACE] , use of reconfigurable hardware for astrophysical particle simulations


ee also

* Gottfried Kirch
* Center of Astronomy of the University of Heidelberg
* Astronomische Gesellschaft

External links

* [ Homepage of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut]
* [ Homepage of the Heidelberg Center for American Studies]

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