Viktor Tyulkin

Viktor Tyulkin

Viktor Arkadyevich Tyulkin ( _ru. "Виктор Аркадьевич Тюлькин") (born May 14 1951 in Vladivostok) is a Russian Communist politician. Tyulkin is the leader of the Russian Communist Workers' Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RKRP-RPK), a Communist hardline party. The RKRP-RPK considers the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) to be reformist, but in the 2003 Duma Election the Party leaders decided to make an agreement with the CPRF in an effort to consolidate the communist vote. Tyulkin was then elected to the Duma in the ranks of CPRF, but he remained a member of the RKRP-RPK.


Tyulkin was born in a Russian naval officer family. Tyulkin is married and has two sons.

One of Tyulkin's grandfathers is Volodimir Tyulkin - member РКП (б) with 1919, the participant Civil war in Russia civil and Великой of Domestic wars, colonel Red Army. Other grandfather - member РСДРП (б) with 1914, the first chairman Shlisselbourg of Advice(council), was lost in 1919 at protection Петрограда from armies Yudenich and. The father also communist, colonel of the Soviet Army. The mother protected Leningrad all 900 days of blockade.

Has ended 281-ю average (with the profound study of chemistry) school of. Leningrad for one year earlier In. Putin. In the period 1968 - 1974 гг. Studied in Leningrad military-mechanical institute, upon termination of which has received qualification the engineer - mechanics (specialty: " Dynamics(changes) of flight and management "). With 1974 worked the foreman, senior foreman, chief of a site at Leningrad Northern factory, then, with 1980 - chief of a site, chief of shop, chief of a technical department of a factory in research-and-production association "Avant guarde".

In 1988 is elected by the secretary парткома НПО "Avant guarde". With 1990 - member Leningrad обкома КПСС. In 1989 was selected by the deputy of Advice(council) of the national deputies Calininsky of area of Leningrad. In 1985 has ended faculty of the organizers of industrial manufacture of the Leningrad ingeneer-economic institute by him(it). Item. Tolyatti on a specialty " Organization and management ", and in 1990 - Maximum party school at Leningrad regional committee Communisty party on a speciality "politology".

With 1989 in frameworks antigorbachev's " Movement communist of the initiative " (ДКИ) in Communist party of USSR carried out(spent) the large organizing work on creation Communist party of Russia - organized group communists of Russia within the framework of uniform Communist party of USSR. Presided over all Initiative congresses of the supporters of creation РКП, carried out(spent) in Leningrad. On Initiative congress of June 9-10, 1990 was put forward, and on Constituent congress Communista party(set) of RSFSR (CP RSFSR) by June 19-23, 1990 is elected by the member Central committee CP RSFSR.

On XXVIII congress КПСС on behalf of the delegates ДКИ also Marxist of a platform is open has acted against a rate М.С.Горбачева on movement to capitalism the countries. Persistence and skill to rally around of itself the adherents have allowed for the first time to write down in the decision of Congress opinion of minority warning about " dangers of treatment of socialism by capitalism ", that неминуемо will result the country in crash. (the Resolution has typed(collected) 1259 votes, that is almost third of delegates of Congress.)

After events of August 19–21 1991. In. Viktor became one of the initiators of convocation of Congress communists of Russia and establishment on it(him) Russian communist of a working party(set) (РКРП) in of Ekaterinburg е (November, 1991). On congress was elected in central committee of RCWP, has come in Оргбюро ЦК, being by one of four secretaries organisation bureu. Achieved registration of a party(set) in the Ministry of justice of Russian Federation. In 1993 was elected by the First secretary ЦК РКРП.

Being by the First secretary ЦК РКРП, consistently will carry out(spend) in life principles real народовластия, as participations of the workers in government through system of Advice(councils), that has found the reflection in the program documents of a party(set).

In 1993. Russian коммунистическая the working party(set) has acted on the party of the Supreme Body of RSFSR, having characterized events of September - October as state revolution. The party(set) has accepted the most active participation in actions on a defense of the Supreme Body during September 21 - October 4 and was the unique(sole) organization which has been not admitted(allowed) to choices in Госдуму-93. Elections and Референдум under the Constitution РКРП boycotted. Since 1994. In. Тюлькин - main editor of a body ЦК РКРП - newspaper " Labour Russia ", issued in circulation 32 thousand copies.

On choices in parliament in 1995. In. Тюлькин headed the list of the selective block " Communists - Labour Russia - For the Soviet Union ", typed(collected) 4,53 % of votes and not past in Госдуму, in opinion of members РКРП, as a result of falsifications of results of voting.

In 1999 has headed the a little bit changed block леворадикальных of parties(sets) Роскомсоюза and working organizations " Коммунисты, workers of Russia - for the Soviet Union! ". In conditions of almost complete absence of means the block has borrowed(occupied) the first place among parties(sets), not past in parliament (2,22 %). In account this parameter in 10 times is higher a unit of cost, than at КПРФ, in 50 times exceeds a level ЛДПР.

On ХХХ, ХХХI and ХХХII congresses of Union communist of parties(sets) of the Soviet Union (СКП-КПСС) (1995, 1998, 2001 гг.) is selected by the member Политисполкома СКП-КПСС. Actively conducts theoretical and practical struggle with conciliatory, прогорбачевской by a line of a management(manual) Communist party Russian federation and some other компартий. Denies the thesis исчерпанности for Russia of a limit on revolution. As the basic direction of work Компартии considers(counts) a task of organization of working movement, wide front of resistance of national weights капитализации of the country.

Were in the chapter of a party(set), has established the international communications(connections) with communist and working parties(sets) of the different countries. Has acted by one of the initiators of organization of regular meetings of the chiefs communist and working parties(sets) of the world (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 гг.), creation of system of informing and fast mutual notification - Solidnet, releases of the international Newsletter "IB". Enters into editorial board of the international theoretical magazine " marxism and modernity(present) ".

On Х congress РКРП in October 2000. In. Тюлькин again is elected by the First secretary Central committee party. On united congress Russian communist of a working party(set) and Russian (Revolutionary) party(set) communists (October, 2001) is elected coleader central cometee party/

Is engaged in problems of the political device of the state, questions practical политологии, actively cooperates with a number(line) of the newspapers and magazines. Has written more than hundred clauses on urgent political questions. Takes a great interest in sports, sea business, draws.

See also

* Russian Communist Workers' Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists
* Communist Party of the Russian Federation
* History of post-Soviet Russia
* Politics of post-Soviet Russia
* Duma 2003 elections


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External links

* [; Tyulkin's article : "Chechen terrorism is being caused by Yeltsinism"]

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