Xeni Gwet'in First Nation

Xeni Gwet'in First Nation

The Xeni Gwet'in First Nation is a First Nations government located in the southwestern Chilcotin District in the western Central Interior region of the Canadian province of British Columbia. It is a member of the Tsilhqot'in Tribal Council.

The Xeni Gwet'in First Nation reserve community and offices are located at the wilderness community of Nemaia Valley, which lies between Chilko Lake and the Taseko Lakes.

Chief and Councillors

Marilyn Baptiste was recently elected chief. Most observers regard this community as one of the best-managed in the area.

Treaty Process

The band recently won a court decision on its treaty rights (William v. HMTQ), and the process has returned to negotiations.



There are about 300 people living on the reserve, with a handful of non-native people in the area.

Economic Development

The band has an active business management program, which runs the local roads yard as well as a gas-bar. Many new houses have been built in the subdivsion area near the band office, with an electrical grid.

The area is not served by the main BC Hydro grid, and so (except for the subdivision) all houses are run on generators and solar power.

ocial, Educational and Cultural Programs and Facilities

The band has taken over the management of its health program, the only one of the Chilcotin communities to do so.

The local school runs from kindergarten to grade 8 in three classrooms; it is unusual for the area in having mostly long-term residents as teachers.

ee also

*Chilcotin language
*Chilcotin District
*Chilcotin War
*Chilko Lake
*Tsy'los Provincial Park
*Tsilhqot'in Tribal Council
*Carrier-Chilcotin Tribal Council

External links

* [http://thetyee.ca/Views/2008/02/12/NativeClaims/ Article on "Xeni decision" in "The Tyee"]

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