Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum

Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum

"Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum" (SEG) is an annual publication (published by J.C. Gieben, Amsterdam, Netherlands until his death in 2006, now published by Brill) collecting bibliography and summaries of Greek inscriptions published in the previous year; new inscriptions have full Greek text and critical apparatus. The brief covers the entire Greek world, although material later than the 8th century A.D. is not included. Each issue contains the harvest of a single year; for example, the issue of "SEG" published in 2005 contained all inscriptions published in 2001.


"SEG" was founded in 1923 by the Dutch scholar J. J. E. Hondius. Twelve volumes were published between 1923 and 1950, and a further thirteen volumes by A. G. Woodhead between 1951 and 1971. There was then a hiatus until 1978 when the publication was revived by Henk W. Pleket and Ronald S. Stroud, who modernised "SEG" and created the publication that still persists today.

The current editors of "SEG" are: Angelos Chaniotis, Thomas Corsten, Ronald S. Stroud, and Johan H. M. Strubbe.

See also

* Epigraphy
* Leiden Conventions
* Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
* Inscriptiones Graecae
* Bulletin Epigraphique
* L'Année Epigraphique

External links

* [ SEG Home Page at Leiden]

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