Marcos Paquetá — Marcos César Dias de Castro, better known as Marcos Paquetá , born 27 August 1958 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is the current coach of the Libya national football team. He is nicknamed Marcos Paquetá because he was born in Paquetá Island. Career He … Wikipedia
The Amazing Race 2 — Season run March 11, 2002 – May 15, 2002 Filming dates January 7, 2002 – February 3, 2002 No. of episodes 11 Winning team Chris Luca Alex Boylan Continents visited … Wikipedia
Pedestrian zone — Strøget, Copenhagen s pedestrian zone. Pedestrian zones (also known as auto free zones and car free zones) are areas of a city or town reserved for pedestrian only use and in which some or all automobile traffic may be prohibited. They are… … Wikipedia
Car-free zone — Car free zones (also known as auto free zones and pedestrian zones) are areas of a city or town in which automobile traffic is prohibited. They are instituted by communities who feel that it is desirable to have areas not dominated by the… … Wikipedia
Rio de Janeiro — /ree oh day zheuh nair oh, near oh, jeuh , dee, deuh/; Port. /rddee oo di zhi nay rddoo/ a seaport in SE Brazil: former capital. 5,184,292. Also called Rio. * * * City (pop., 2002 est.: city, 5,937,300; metro. area, 11,121,300) and port,… … Universalium
Guanabara Bay — In Portuguese, Baía da Guanabara is an oceanic bay located in southeastern Brazil in the state of Rio de Janeiro. On its Western shore lies the city of Rio de Janeiro, and on its Eastern shore the cities of Niter oacute;i and S atilde;o Gon… … Wikipedia
27. August — Der 27. August ist der 239. Tag des Gregorianischen Kalenders (der 240. in Schaltjahren), somit bleiben noch 126 Tage bis zum Jahresende. Historische Jahrestage Juli · August · September 1 2 … Deutsch Wikipedia