Rajko Đurić

Rajko Đurić

Raјko Đurić ("Рајко Ђурић") (born in October 3, 1947 in Malo Orašje, Belgrade, Serbia, SFR Yugoslavia) is a Serbian Romani writer and academic. He is also politically active as the leader of one of Roma parties in Serbia - Roma Union of Serbia.

He studied philosophy at the Philosophical Faculty in Belgrade (1967 - 1972). In 1986 he obtained a Doctorate of Sociology writing the dissertation "Culture of the Roma in S.F.R. Yugoslavia". In 1991 he moved to Berlin avoiding the implication of the Yugoslavian wars.

He wrote more than 500 articles and, until leaving Yugoslavia, was the chief redactor for the cultural section of the newspaper "Politika" in Belgrad. He was the President of the International Romani Union and is the General Secretary of the Romani Centre of International PEN. His literary works have been translated into more than five languages.


*"Bi kheresko-Bi limoresko", 1979
*"Purano svato o dur themestar", 1980
*"A i U - A thai U", 1982
*"Kultur der Roma und interkulturelle Beziehungen", 1988-1990
*"Paradigmen in der Kultur der Roma", 1992
*"Die Kultur der Roma und Sinti", 1993

External links

* [http://www.romnews.com/community/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=3 A poem]
* [http://www.romadecade.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=229&Itemid=2 An interview]

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