- Bejaratana-Suvadhana Overture
The Bejaratana-Suvadhana Overture (โหมโรงเพชรรัตน-สุวัทนา "Homrong Phetcharat-Suwatthana") is a Thai classical piece rewritten in
2005 by Mr Narongreuth Tosanga (ณรงค์ฤทธิ์ โตสง่า "Narongrit Tosa-nga"), also known as Khun In (ขุนอิน) from the film "The Overture " (โหมโรง "Homrong") in honour of PrincessBejaratana on the occasion of her 80th birthday onNovember 24 ,2005 and PrincessSuvadhana of the Sixth Reign on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of her birthday on15 April ,2005 .It was first performed to the public at the
Phya Thai Palace in front ofPrincess Sirindhorn during the Bejaratana-Suvadhana Memorial, held in honour of the two princesses of the Sixth Reign in celebration of the aforementioned occasion, onOctober 28 ,2005 .
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