Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice

Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice

The Holy Cross "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" is an award of the Roman Catholic Church. The English translation of "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" is "For Church and Pope", and is also known as the "Cross of Honour" [ [ ODM of the Vatican: Cross of Honour "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" ] ] . The medal was established by Leo XIII on July 17 1888 to commemorate his golden sacerdotal jubilee and was originally bestowed on those women and men who had aided and promoted the jubilee, and by other means assisted in making the jubilee and the Vatican Exposition successful [] . It is currently given for distinguished service to the church by lay people and clergy. [] It is the highest medal that can be awarded to the laity by the Papacy.

The medal may be cast in gold, silver or bronze. On the medal is a cross made octangular by fleurs-de-lis fixed in the angles of the cross. The arms of the cross narrow towards the center, with slightly indented ends, approaching the form of the patonce cross. In the center of the cross is a small medal with the image of Leo XIII, the words LEO XIII P. M. ANNO X (tenth year of his pontificate) circle the image. In the center of the opposite side are the papal emblems. In the circle surrounding the emblems the motto PRO DEO ET PONTIFICE (for God and Pope) is stamped. On the reverse side of the medal, the branches of the cross are comets, which, with the fleurs-de-lis, form the coat of arms of the Pecci family. The words, PRIDIE are stamped on the left branch; KAL on the top branch; JANUAR on the right branch; and 1888 at the foot of the cross. The medal's ribbon is purple, with delicate lines of white and yellow on each border and is worn on the right side of breast. [ [ CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Pontifical Decorations ] ]


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