- Boy Soldier Series
"Boy Soldier" is a series of novels written by
Andy McNab with the cooperation ofRobert Rigby . It tells the story of a boy named Danny Watts and his grandfather, Fergus, who is a seemingly rogue Ex-SAS Soldier. Danny sets out to find this man as he is considered a trator to his country, thus a story about Fergus appears in the British media papers, stating that while on active operations infiltrating a drug cartel inColombia he betrayed his regiment by taking the money, instead of the target which was the drug dealers. Later in the series, the reader concludes that Fergus was a deniable operator, who was caught and the British Government had no choice but to deny all existence of him, resulting in him escaping back to Britain after being imprisoned by the Columbian authorities.eries
*Boy Soldier"Boy Soldier" ("Traitor" in USA") is the story of Danny's quest to find his grandfather, whom he has never met but has somehow managed to jeopardise his future. Danny finally finds his grandfather, Fergus Watts, but also discovers that he has become a pawn within somebody else's plot to uncover Fergus.
When Danny's world is turned upside down and his life is in danger, it does not end with his escape from the authorities, in fact, it is merely the beginning
Towards the end of the book Fergus is captured by MI5 so Danny resolves to free him, with the help of Eddie Moyes and Elena. Upon arrival at the MI5 compound Eddie Moyes decides to flee, leaving the two teens behind. After successfully breaking in and liberating Fergus the three of them attempt to escape with the aid of a woman (Marcie Devereaux), who tells Fergus to 'make it look good' so as to eliminate suspicion. Fergus responds by knocking her unconscious and breaking her jaw. Before they can escape the now unneeded distraction by Moyes draws out the MI5 members. Fergus knocks one of them down and steals their gun, promptly a firefight ensues with Moyes being shot and killed. The agents, distracted by Moyes' body, allow Elena, Danny and Fergus to escape.
The last chapter reveals that Danny and Fergus are now fugitives together and running yet another Burger Bar. A conclusion reveals that the woman who Fergus knocked out knows where they are and reveals their location to George Finchman (the traitor, who betrayed Fergus Watts).
"Payback" is the story of Fergus' attempt to discover evidence to prove that he was working as a 'K'.
"Avenger" follows Danny, Fergus and Elena (Danny's friend) trying to unmask the mastermind behind an increasing number of teenage suicide bombers.
"Meltdown "tells the story of a new drug called Meltdown which is sold on the streets of London, and could have disastrous consequences..."
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