


Nearest city

Nearest Hill Station

Nearest Railway Station

Savantwadi Road

Nearest Airport

Places of interest in Otvane

  • Terekhol River
  • Ravalnath Mandeer
  • ajinkya gavkar wada at gavathanwadi


God Ralvalnath

Otvane has an historical value.In Otvane village there is a temple of God Ravalnath.

Nature and Wildlife In Otvane

Shree Ravalnath mandeer


  • Z.P.School No.1(From 1st to 7th Std)
  • Z.P.School No.2(From 1st to 7th Std)
  • Z.P.School No.3(From 1st to 4th Std)
  • Z.P.School No.4(From 1st to 4th Std)
  • Shree Ralvanath Vidyamandeer (From 8th to 10th Std)

Satellite view of Tilari Dam

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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