- Kan fibration
The notion of a Kan fibration is a part of the theory of
simplicial set s inmathematics . Kan fibrations are the fibrations in themodel category theoretic sense on the category of simplicial sets and are therefore of fundamental importance. The name is in honor ofDaniel Kan .Definition
For each "n ≥ 0", recall that the "standard n-simplex" Delta^n, is the representable simplicial set:Delta^n(i) = Hom_{mathbf{Delta ( [i] , [n] )Geometrically, this corresponds to a solid "n"-simplex, such as the convex subspace of ℝn+1 consisting of all points ("t0, ..., tn") such that each "ti" is positive and their sum equals "1".
For each "k ≤ n", this has a subcomplex Lambda^n_k, the "k"-th horn inside Delta^n, corresponding to the boundary of the "n"-simplex, with the "k"-th face removed. (It may be formally defined in various ways, as for instance the union of the images of the "n" maps Delta^{n-1} ightarrow Delta^n corresponding to all the other faces of Delta^n.)
A map of simplicial sets f: X ightarrow Y is a "Kan fibration" if for any kle nand for any maps s:Lambda^n_k ightarrow X and y:Delta^n ightarrow Y such that f circ s=y circ i, there exists a map x:Delta^n ightarrow X such that s=x circ i and y=f circ x. Therefore, this definition very much resembles the one of
fibration s intopology , see alsohomotopy lifting property , whence the name "fibration".Using the correspondence of "n"-simplices of a simplicial set "X" and morphismsDelta_n ightarrow X (this is an instance of the
Yoneda lemma ), the Kan-fibration property means that if there are given "n+1" "n"-simplices :"s0, ..., sk-1, sk+1, ..., sn+1 ∈ Xn", "fitting together", i.e. :"du st = dt su-1"for all suitable "u, t" ("du" denotes the "u"-th boundary operator of the simplicial set "X"), together with an "n+1"-simplex "y ∈ Yn+1", such that "f(su) = du(y)",there is a (not necessarily unique) "n+1"-simplex "x ∈ Xn+1" mapping to "y" under "f" and, applying the boundary operators, restricting to the given "su": "f(x) = y", "du(x)=su".Morally, one may say that it means that a horn in X extendsto a simplex in Y then it extends to a simplex in X in a way thatlifts the simplex in X.
A simplicial set "X" is called fibrant, if the unique morphism to the one-point simplicial set is a Kan fibration. This amounts to saying that for a collection of "n"-simplices fitting together as above, there is a "n+1"-simplex restricting to the given simplices, or in other words that every horn in "X" has a filler.
* An important example is the simplicial set of simplices, i.e.
continuous map s from the standard (topological) simplex to atopological space "X"::S(X) := { Delta_n^{top} ightarrow X }Using the fact that the topological horn is a strong
deformation retract of the full simplex, one shows that this simplicial set is fibrant.
* It can be shown that the simplicial set underlying a simplicial group is always fibrant.Applications
homotopy group s of a fibrant simplicial set may be defined combinatorially, using horns, in a way that agrees withthe homotopy groups of the topological space which realizes it.References
cite book
last = Goerss
first = Paul
coauthors = Jardine, John
title = Simplicial homotopy theory
publisher = Birkhäuser
year = 1999
isbn = 376436064Xcite book
last = May | first = Peter
authorlink = Peter May
title = Simplicial objects in algebraic topology | publisher = The university of Chicago press | year = 1967
isbn = 0226511804
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