Ned Bernard Stonehouse

Ned Bernard Stonehouse

Ned Bernard Stonehouse (1902-1962) was a renowned New Testament scholar. He joined J. Gresham Machen in the founding of Westminster Theological Seminary in 1929, where he enjoyed over thirty years of fruitful service. Stonehouse served as one of the 34 constituting members of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in 1936. He received the A.B. from Calvin College (1924), the Th.B. and Th.M. from Princeton Theological Seminary (1927), and the Ph.D. from the Free University of Amsterdam (1929).


Among his books are the following:

*"The Witness of Matthew and Mark to Christ" (1941)
*"The Witness of Luke to Christ" (1951)
*"Origins of the Synoptic Gospels" (1963)
*"J. Gresham Machen, A Biographical Memoir" (1954)
*"Paul Before the Areopagus" (1957)
*Editor (with Paul Woolley), "The Infallible Word" (1946)
*General editor, "New International Commentary on the New Testament" (1946-1962)

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