

The French military term vedette (formed from Latin "videre", to see), migrated into English and other languages to refer to a mounted sentry or outpost, who has the function of bringing information, giving signals or warnings of danger, etc, to a main body of troops. In modern terms, the soldiers who man listening-posts are the equivalent of vedettes.

All around Salisbury Plain in southern England, the roads connecting the plain with the surrounding countryside feature a brick-built guard-post, manned by security officers whenever there is military activity beyond that point. They are known as vedettes, each being named for a local geographic feature.

Navies use the term "vedette" to refer to a small scouting boat.

In the entertainment industry, "vedette" refers to a star performer of stage or screen.

Kenneth J Alford (F.J. RIcketts) composer of the Colonel Bogey March in 1912 wrote a march entitled The Vedette.

The first aircraft designed to Canadian specifications was named Vedette.



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  • vedette — [ vədɛt ] n. f. • 1584; « tour d observation » 1573; it. vedetta « observatoire », crois. prob. de veletta, dimin. de vela « voile », et de vedere « voir » I ♦ Vx Soldat placé en sentinelle pour observer et renseigner. « Les insurgés posaient des …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • vedette — Vedette. s. f. Cavalier mis en sentinelle dans un lieu avancé. Poser des vedettes. une vedette avancée. la vedette s endormit. On dit, Mettre en vedette, pour dire, Mettre un Cavalier en fonction de vedette. Et, Estre en vedette, pour dire, Estre …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Vedette — ist die Bezeichnung für: eine vorgeschobene Alarmstellung einer Feldwache; siehe Vedette (Militär) ein Model des Automobilherstellers Ford; siehe Ford Vedette ein Album von Babasónicos; siehe Vedette (Album) ein US amerikanisches Unternehmen;… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vedette — Ve*dette , n. [F. vedette, It. vedetta, for veletta (influenced by vedere to see, L. videre), from It. veglia watch, L. vigilia. See {Vigil}.] A sentinel, usually on horseback, stationed on the outpost of an army, to watch an enemy and give… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vedette — /və dɛt/, it. /ve dɛt/ s.f., fr. [dall ital. vedetta ], usato in ital. al femm., invar. 1. (teatr., cinem.) [attrice o attore di grande fama: la v. di questo spettacolo è la cantante ] ▶◀ attrazione, divo, star, stella, [se donna] prima donna. 2 …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • vedette — mounted sentinel placed in advance of an outpost, 1680s, from Fr. vedette, from It. vedetta, probably from vedere to see (see VISTA (Cf. vista)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • vedette — (Voz fr.). 1. f. Artista principal en un espectáculo de variedades. 2. Persona que destaca o quiere hacerse notar en algún ámbito. Ese saltador es una vedette del atletismo. U. t. c. adj.) …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Vedette — (frz.), vorgeschobener Posten einer Feldwache der Kavallerie …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • vedette — /veˈdɛt, fr. v(J)&d0t/ [vc. fr., dall it. vedetta] s. f. inv. divo, diva, stella, star (ingl.) …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • vedette — [və det′] n. [Fr < It vedetta, altered (infl. by vedere, to see) < veletta, sentry box < Sp vela, vigil < velar, to watch < L vigilare: see VIGIL] Obs. a mounted sentinel posted in advance of the outposts of an army …   English World dictionary

  • Vedette — Uno o varios wikipedistas están trabajando actualmente en este artículo o sección. Es posible que a causa de ello haya lagunas de contenido o deficiencias de formato. Si quieres, puedes ayudar y editar, pero por favor: antes de realizar… …   Wikipedia Español

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