1 E-15 s

1 E-15 s

To help compare orders of magnitude of different times this page lists times between 10−15 second and 10−12 second (1 femtosecond and 1 picosecond respectively). A femtosecond is one billionth of one millionth of a second. For context, a femtosecond is to a second, what a second is to about 32 million years. "See also" times of other orders of magnitude.

* shorter times
* A few femtoseconds is the typical time step for a molecular dynamics simulation
* 1.3 femtoseconds (fs) – cycle time for 390 nanometre light, transition from visible light to ultraviolet
* 2.57 femtoseconds – cycle time for 770 nanometre light, transition from visible light to near-infrared
* 200 femtoseconds – the swiftest chemical reactions, such as the reaction of pigments in an eye to light
* 300 femtoseconds – the duration of a vibration of the atoms in an iodine molecule
* longer times

See also

* Femtochemistry
* Femtosecond pulse shaping

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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